Facebook has revealed the most talked about subjects and topics of conversation on its platform with regards to the up-coming Nigerian elections. Using aggregated and anonymized data from the period of December 1st 2018 – January 22nd 2019, the findings reveal:

•             Peaks in conversation since December 1, 2018 – with 17th and 19th January 2019 seeing the highest peaks

•             The most talked about conversation by topic – with the economy (61%) coming in as the number one topic trending across most states in Nigeria, closely followed by corruption (56%) and agriculture (35%)

•             Distribution of conversation by region – highlighting the states where conversations around elections are high to low

•             Which age groups are driving the elections conversation on Facebook – conversations are heavily driven by the young, mostly 18-24 year-olds (35%) and 25-34 year-olds (35%)

•             That men are more than likely to be involved in conversations around the elections – with 68% of men compared to 32% of women

•             The countries across Africa where the Nigeria election is being discussed most – Aside from Nigeria, conversations are most prevalent across fellow West African countries, Ghana and Sierra Leone, followed by Zambia and Cameroon

•             The three top performing Facebook posts from pages by the number of interactions (shares, comments and reactions)

Facebook measured Facebook conversation including posts, comments, shares, likes and reactions related election, with all data aggregated and de-personalized. Conversations were identified based on keywords and combinations of keywords that were associated with discussions around the election.


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