The new Bayelsan airport in Yenagwa received its first flight today.

The event was witnessed by enthusiastic and appreciative Bayelsans who thronged the airport to receive their Governor Seriki Dickson, who was on the flight. The flight on a chopper aircraft landed the Yenagwa airport at about 2.40pm. It was the inaugural flight into the airport built by Dantata and Sawoe at the cost of N60billion.

Dickson, who spoke from the airport ground said that the airport project was undertaken in response to the cries of Bayelsans who have been looking for an airport of their own.

The governor said the completion of the project is a testimony of the determination of his government to meet the yearnings of Bayelsans, and it was the reason he has selected the best of Bayelsan needed to achieve the wishes of the state. “I have selected the best to work for Bayelsa, and the team has done mega projects to the appreciation of Bayelsans”, the governor said.

He said when he came to government in 2012, he promised that he was not going to play politics with the development of Bayelsa. “I said I was not going to compromise on the Ijaw nation. We are not just working for the present but for the future.

“People do not know what it means to embark on such projects. We have to sand fill about four metres to achieve the height on which the airport project is constructed. This is a swampy area. This airport will never be flooded”, he explained”, he added.

Dickson, said the critics of his government are jealous because they are surprised on the quality of job he is doing and that he was even taking projects to their communities without discrimination.

He said, he was aligning himself with the resolution of the Ijaw nation to vote for Atiku, saying that it was in doing so that Nigeria will continue to witness the sort of projects that are ongoing in Bayelsa and move away from the reign of criminals.

“We have battled to maintain peace and stability in Bayelsa, and inspite of the challenges we face, we are still able to execute these projects. The project was conceived from the scratch by my government”, he said.

Former governor of River State, Diete Spiff who witnessed the first flight said, the construction of the airport aid development and economic activity in the region.


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