The Association of Telecommunication Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) is seeking clarification on which agency of government has the constitutional right to issue Demand Notices on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),

The demand for clarification by ALTON came as a result of conflicting demands coming from various tiers of government.

ALTON members said they usually obtain EIA from the Federal Ministry of Environment through NESREA in collaboration with each State Ministry of Environment; however, the States are now coming to demand for another process directly from their members.

According to ALTON the action of the states amounted to multiple taxation and charges which has put excessive burden on the telecoms industry.

In a letter sent to the Federal Ministry of Environment, dated February 21, 2019 and signed by ALTON Chairman, Gbenga Adebayo, the association threatened to review tariffs if the burden put on its members, as a result of the multiple taxation was not lifted.

“Tax is regarded as oxygen to development, but if oxygen is too much, it could lead to disaster. Our members are responsible corporate citizens of the country and natural partners in progress that follows due processes.

Adebayo therefore called on the Federal Government to look into the issue of Tax and Levy Amended Order 2015 hurriedly signed by the former Minister of Finance in the last administration, Mrs. Ngozi Okonji-Iwaela.

“This order has created lot of confusion in the taxes and levies regime and making the environment harsh for business, not minding the Government Ease of Doing Business programme.

“The issues of EIA Demand Notices by some States has led to sealing of many telecommunication Sites thereby causing issue of quality of service, which many times beyond the control of operators” he added.

ALTON also asked the Federal Government to declare telecommunication infrastructure as Critical National Infrastructure as stated in the Cybercrime Act 2015 for biding any State or agency from tampering with any telecoms infrastructure.


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