Hackers have hit several internet services providers and systems suppliers in Nigeria, blocking every access between their routers and the internet service providers. Their servers are also affected.

The siege began yesterday and as at this morning the hackers were still holding the telecos and their customers to ransom.

The router, is the piece of network hardware that allows communication between your local home network — like your personal computers and other connected devices — and the internet

Some of the companies currently hit include Spectranet, an ISP, ZTE KKON Tech and Netis BSNL.

The hacker known as Jisatsu is asking the affected companies and their customers to pay several amounts of monies in bit coins before they would end the siege. For customers the hacker is asking to be paid 0.02 BTC, equivalent of $106.13 to its wallet for it to vacate blocked routers and servers.

“If we don’t receive the requested amount of money, we will continue attacking your infrastructure. We are going to continue hacking your routers” until the companies pay the said amount.

The hacker is asking the affected companies to pay the said amount into their through Block chain.


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