Chief Technical Officer of Medallion Communications Limited, Dr Krishnan Ranganath has corrected an impression in our recent report “Local Hosting of Data Will Save Nigeria N144B Yearly”, in which we referenced him to have said,  “Google’s in connecting the United States to Chile, home to the company’s largest data center in Latin America, same with Facebook planning of a cable to connect East Africa would affect connectivity is negatively impact the deployment of localized cloud infrastructure in a country like Nigeria”.

What Ranganath said in his contribution at the Cyber Africa Roundtable on Data Center and Cloud was rather “that Google, in connecting the United States to Chile, home to the company’s largest data center in Latin America, same with Face Book planning of a cable to connect East Africa would affect connectivity in a significant way and will provide much faster access to global contents.

“We expect these cables will connect to the West African side in later days and the cables would really help us (in Nigeria) a lot”.

He also said Benin and Kaduna would not be in Phase 1 of Medallion’s infrastructure expansion project and that design for Asaba and Enugu’s project was in place and work would start in June.


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