from left: Ogunleye, Oshodi of BleuWaters and Emma Okonji, president of NITRA

Businesses that want to grow and stay on, in today’s digital age, must deploy the right technology solutions, otherwise they would die, according to Pearly Bleuwaters, an International Consulting Firm.

The firm gave the advice while addressing journalists at a forum, in Lagos at weekend, organised by Nigeria Information Technology Reporters Association (NITRA).

The company’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Victor Oshodi, said businesses fail in the 21st Century because they refused to allow technology to drive the business.

Oshodi said the world has going digital and every business, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) must automate their operations in line with modern technology to align with global trends in business.

Giving insight to some of its technology solutions that address business and organisational needs, the Project Director, Pearly Bleuwaters, Mr. Joseph Ogunleye said the management consulting firm with vast experience in providing intelligent business advice and solutions to businesses in Nigeria and globally, provides unique service solutions to SMEs and corporate organisations based on their needs and challenges.

Ogunleye said the firm’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, which is developed in-house with 100 per cent local content, addresses the issue of big data analytics and that organisations could gather data, analyse such data and use the outcome for on-the-spot business decision.

“Bleu ERP software is used for both big and small organisations for its centralised approach to business processes. With it, customers can collect, store, manage, and interpret data from various business units. Likewise, ERP is used to automate back-office tasks and streamline cross-departmental workflows. When optimised, the solution can drive efficiency, lower costs and increase profitability. Our ERP software is a suite of applications that helps to manage core business processes,” Ogunleye said.

According to him, apart from the firm’s indigenous developed business tools like E-invoicing and Inventory, the Pearly Bleuwaters also has solution for complete school management called the Bleu Intellect School, which is an online portal that addresses school needs from access, online admission, online fee collection, online library, automatic timetable generation, to online assignment through computer based test (CBT). The school solution, which is currently deployed in private schools across Lagos and some few states in the country, empowers schools to effectively manage their students and expose them to digital skills that will prepare them for the future.

Although Ogunleye expressed the desire of the firm to introduce the school management solution software to public schools, he however expressed worries that public schools may not be able to maintain it, for lack of adequate infrastructure like internet connectivity, laboratory equipment and other school management equipment.


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