President Muhammadu Buhari has changed the name of the ministry of communications to ministry of communication and digital economy.

This is the second time the ministry is being renamed. During the era of Dr Omobola Johnson, the ministry was called ministry of communication technology. It was reverted to its old name of communication ministry when president Buhari assumed office in 2015.

The new name was at the instance of the current minister, Dr Ali Pantami who had requested for the change of name, so that the ministry, according to Pantami, would be enabled to fulfill his Digital Economy objectives.

A statement by the ministry’s deputy director, press and public relations, Philomena Oshodin said the ministry “has been renamed The Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy to further expand its mandate to capture the goals of digitalization of the Nigerian economy in line with the Economic Growth and Recovery Plan (EGRP), one of the key agenda of the present administration”.

Oshodin said the minister is of the view that the former name was not only limiting in pursuing the objectives of a digital economy, but obsolete as it did not reflect the trends as emphasized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). 

The change of nomenclature will propel the Ministry to reposition its strategic objectives as laid out in the priority areas of this administration while accelerating growth and social inclusion, Pantami is reported to have said.

Dr Pantami cited examples of global and African economies like Scotland, Thailand, Tunisia, Benin Republic and Burkina Faso among others who have adopted deliberate strategies and created Ministries of Digital Economy in line with global best practice, and especially the European Union which has a commissioner for Digital Economy. 

In a letter containing his approval, the President noted that the request is in line with global best practice which will further reflect the priorities of his administration. The approved name has been announced and adopted by the Federal Executive Council today, 23rd October 2019.


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