The election of Boris Johnson as new United Kingdom prime minister offers Brexit a big boost.

Boris Johnson, the Conservative Party candidate won the UK election in resounding fashion. He would lead UK for five years.

It was a crushing defeat for the opposition Labour Party, whose leader, Jeremy Corbyn, said he would step down after a “process of reflection.” And the leader of the pro-Remain Liberal Democrat party, Jo Swinson, lost her seat, as the Scottish National Party swept the board in Scotland.

Exit poll suggests Boris Johnson is on course for a huge win in UK election

EBy early Friday morning, the Conservatives had secured 364 of the 650 seats in the House of Parliament, well ahead of Labour’s 203 seats.The Liberal Democrats have 11 seats, while the Scottish National Party posted big gains in Scotland, with 48 seats. That would give Johnson a comfortable majority in the House of Commons and paves the way for Brexit to take place at the end of January. “We did it,” Johnson said at a victory rally on Friday morning. “We broke the deadlock, we smashed the roadblock,” he told a cheering room. “A new dawn rises on a new day.” “You may only have lent us your vote, you may not consider yourself a natural Tory,” Johnson said. “Your hand may have quivered over the ballot paper before you put your cross in the Conservative box and you may intend to return to Labour next time round. And if that is the case, I am humbled that you have put your trust in me and that you have put your trust in us.””I, and we, will never take your support for granted,” Johnson added.

Boris Johnson said the election result paves the way for Brexit to take place at the end of January.

Boris Johnson said the election result paves the way for Brexit to take place at the end of January.He said the results mean Brexit will happen by January 1 “no ifs, no buts” and that it has put an end to “all those miserable threats of a second referendum.”Johnson added: “And I say respectfully to our friend in the blue,12-star hat that’s it time to put a sock in the megaphone and give everybody some peace,” he said.”I will make it my mission to work night and day, flat out, to prove that you were right in voting for me this time, and to earn your support in the future.

The theme of the night became clear early on when one of the first constituencies to declare a result, Blyth Valley, went to the Conservatives. The Labour Party had held the seat since it was created in 1950. This was a big win for the Tories — and one of many more to come.

Boris Johnson bet the farm on an election and it paid off big

Boris Johnson bet the farm on an election and it paid off bigIt was a scene that repeated itself throughout the night in parish halls, leisure centers and gymnasiums across the country. The Labour crowd was left watching jubilant Conservatives snatching away one seat after another.As the results trickled in, the scale of the collapse in the Labour vote became apparent.In Workington, Labour’s Shadow Environment Secretary Sue Hayman lost her seat to Conservative Mark Jenkinson, another sign that Johnson’s strategy had worked. The traditionally Labour, pro-Brexit constituency was a key target for the Tories. “Workington Man,” a white, older, working-class man who supports Brexit, became a key demographic in the campaign.

Jeremy Corbyn announced that he would step down after a "process of reflection."

Jeremy Corbyn announced that he would step down after a “process of reflection.”This was very much a Brexit election and, in the end, Johnson’s campaign promise to “Get Brexit Done” appears to have swayed the vote. The result is a clear indication that voters are tired of the country being stuck in a limbo and want to move on.The Prime Minister promised to break the gridlock and deliver Brexit by the end of January.

The pound jumps as Boris Johnson heads for big win in UK election

TJohnson has already struck a Brexit “divorce” deal with Brussels, but was unable to pass it through Parliament after Remain-backing Conservatives rebelled. Having purged the rebels from his own party, and with his newly-acquired majority, that should no longer be a problem.Once the UK leaves the European Union, Johnson plans to immediately start negotiating a new trade agreement with the bloc.He is hoping to secure a deal by the end of 2020, before the end of the so-called transition period during which the UK will be formally out of the EU, but still subject to all its rules and regulations. The transition period is designed to prevent a hard landing.This election result will undoubtedly shape the trade negotiations, and could lead to a softer version of Brexit — one that would see the UK staying more aligned to the EU. That’s because his large majority means Johnson will no longer need to please the very hard-line Brexiteers in his party in order to get his legislation through Parliament.

 Speaking after his victory, Johnson said he would “get Brexit done” by the end of January, and put an end to hopes for a second referendum. European officials say they’re “ready for the next steps.”

Jeremy Corbyn said he would not lead the Labour Party into another election as the party headed for its worst result in decades. It was a brutal night for the Liberal Democrats, whose leader Jo Swinson lost her seat.

The Scottish National Party, which wants Scotland to leave the UK, wins 48 of the 59 seats in Scotland.

From Narendra Modi in India to Scott Morrison in Australia, world leaders have been sending their well wishes to Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Here’s what they had to say:

“Say g’day to the quiet Britons for us,” write Australian Prime Minister Morrison to Johnson on Twitter. source:CNN


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