The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has set in motion a plan and pathway for stakeholders’ involvement in the formulation of policy that would lead to 5G deployment in Nigeria.

NCC believes the deployment of 5G technologies will consequently promote the National Digital Economy for a Digital Nigeria that will improve the way Nigerians live and work.

5G, the Commission says, has been deployed commercially and in use in some countries, and as with the previous technologies, the International Commission for Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has classified radiation from 5G as non-ionizing and therefore safe for human beings.

A statement put on its website, signed by Director, Public Affairs, Dr Henry Nkemadu states the Commission has put out an initial advisory on its plan for stakeholders’ engagement and involvement in formulating the policy for 5G technology networks in the country.

It has listed the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, Office of the National Security Adviser, the National Assembly, Ministry of Health, National Environmental Standards & Regulations Enforcement Agency, and the Consumer advocacy groups as those it intends to involve in the consultative inquiry.

Others are the Academia, Nigerian Society of Engineers, Nigerian Medical Association, World Health Organisation, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, Mobile Network Operators, Nigerian Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Nigerian Institute of ICT Engineers, Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria, Association of Licensed Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria amongst others. 

The Commission says it is its mandate by Section 4(q) of the Nigerian Communications Act 2003 (the NCA), to prepare and implement programmes and plans that promote and ensure the development of the communications industry and the provision of communications services in Nigeria, and it has considered that the deployment of Fifth Generation (5G) Technology will be beneficial for socio-economic development of Nigeria, as the technology is an advancement of existing   mobile technologies (2G – 4G) with enhanced capabilities providing new and enhanced mobile communications services.

Other enhancements the 5G technology would bring, the NCC argues, include applications like Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Drones, Advanced Communication Systems, Cloud, 3D Printing, Mixed Reality, Simulation / Imaging, Gamification. These will bring improvements in Manufacturing, Transportation, Public Services, Health and Social Works, Agriculture, Energy, Logistics, Media and Entertainment, Mining and Quarrying, Machinery and Equipment, Automotive, Education, Information and Communication, Urban Infrastructure, Consumer experience, Sports, Semiconductor Technologies etc.

“Following global trends in telecommunications development of 5G, the Commission in November 2019, embarked on a Proof of Concept (trial) with MTN in six locations using different equipment vendors for a period of three (3) months. Relevant stakeholders including members of the security agencies were involved in the trial.

“The trial was conducted to enable the Commission assess the performance of the technology in comparison with existing technologies, evaluate compliance to health and safety guidelines and also use the lessons learnt to guide Policy towards commercial deployment.

“The trial which was conducted on the 3.5 GHz and 26 GHz bands was successfully completed with performance showing improvement of 5G over the previous technologies with the radiation levels well below the specified human safety guidelines. The equipment used in the trials have long been decommissioned in all the locations.

“In view of the successful completion of the trial and a directive from the Honourable Minister of Communication and Digital Economy, the Commission commenced the development of a policy for the deployment of 5G in Nigeria. In line with its powers under section 57 of the NCA, and the need for wide public consultation, the process of developing this policy will involve a Public Inquiry which will involve all relevant Stakeholders in the review and consultation process.

“The Consultative Document is currently being developed and will be shared with these stakeholders and the general public, following which a Stakeholder Consultative Forum will be held. The views of all stakeholders will be considered in the final Policy

Accordingly, the details of the proposed public consultation will be widely published in due course. 5G will not be deployed in Nigeria until the Policy is concluded and approved.


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