Dr Adinde, NCC DPA

…. Urges Subscribers to embrace customer- centric initiatives

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) remains a reference point for telecom regulation in Africa.

The Director of Public Affairs, Dr Ikecikwu Adinde made the assertion while talking with ICT reporters during a virtual meeting he had with them today.

According to him, other African telecom regulators have continued to come to Nigeria to understudy the regulatory template of the NCC, which at various times has attracted favorable ratings by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

Adinde who was recently appointed NCCs DPA met with the ICT journalists under the umbrella body of the Nigerian Information Technology Reporters Association (NITRA) to acquaint himself with the journalists and seek their support in reporting the activities of the Commission and the industry at large.

 “NCC is a reference regulatory agency in Africa. People come to Nigeria to study our system. We do not compete with any body in Nigeria, we compete with ourselves”, Adinde said.

 Adinde was making references, to the milestone achievement of the NCC since its inception in 1996, its regulatory feats since the launch of the mobile phone networks in 2001, and more especially during the remarkable achievements during the first five-year term of the current EVC, professor Umar Danbatta, whose work has earned him a second term of five years, recently.

NCC has pushed telecom development from 400,000 phone lines in 2000 to over 196 million by June in 2020, and 128.7 internet subscribers up from its paltry less than 50,000 in 2000. Broadband penetration has moved so astronomically under the current EVC to peak at 41. Per cent by June this year surpassing industry predictions.

Of note, however, to which Adinde drew attention at the meeting, are the various consumer-centric initiatives for which the EVC has received several awards.

Adinde specifically mentioned the DO NOT DISTURB facility which gives subscribers the freedom to choose what messages to receive from the various networks. With this Direction the operators have been mandated to dedicate a common Short Code (2442) which will enable subscribers take informed decisions.

He also made reference to the National Emergency Number 112 which provides succour to Nigerians in the nation’s collective efforts to fight the spread of Coronavirus pandemic, also known COVID-19.

The DPA also spoke of the 622 Toll-Free Number that enables customers to escalate unresolved complaints or complaints that were not satisfactorily resolved by service providers to the NCC for resolution. He urged the over 196 million telec


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