President Donald Trump has blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic during a virtual speech he delivered today to the United Nations General Assembly holdin in New York.

This is what the president said in a speech read from the White House to the UN meeting:“The United Nations must hold China accountable for their actions. In the earliest days of the virus, China locked down travel domestically while allowing flights to leave China and infect the world/

“The Chinese government, and the World Health Organization – which is virtually controlled by China – falsely declared that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission.”

Mr. Trump’s criticism of China widened in his speech to include the country’s environmental record. The president has drawn international criticism for withdrawing the US from the Paris climate accords negotiated by his predecessor.

“Those who attack America’s exceptional environmental record while ignoring China’s rampant pollution are not interested in the environment.

“They only want to punish America. And I will not stand for it”, Trump said.

Chinese leader Mr. Xi is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly via video link later on Tuesday.

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