Google launched a pared-down version of its Android Enterprise device management tool, pitched as an easy way for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to boost device and data security.

In a blog, product manager James Nugent said Android Enterprise Essentials offers a “critical set of default features” at a lower price than the original. It enables SMEs to provide a lock screen and encryption on employee devices; enforce mandatory use of malware protection software, and delete all company data in the event a device is lost or stolen.

Google added the capabilities to remove the need to configure devices, train staff or engage in complex management.

Nugent noted SMEs have increasingly become a target for hackers: “with more business and customer data residing on mobile devices, one lost or stolen phone can create a major incident that can have a large and lasting impact on your business”.

The tool is initially on offer in the US and UK, with global availability scheduled for early 2021.

Android Enterprise (originally called Android for Work) was launched in 2015.


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