
The Nigerian Communications Commission ( NCC) has advised Nigerians not to be in a hurry to buy 5G complaint phones yet.

The advice was given by Engineer Bako Wakil, Director, Technical Standards at the NCC who spoke at an event on 5G/GSM @20 anniversary of telecom revolution forum organised by ebusinessLife, an online news platform.

According to Wakil, customers who rush to buy 5G-compliant phones now may not get better and cheaper handsets until when the 5G network is roll out and put into service in Nigeria

Telcom operators that win the 5G license due for auction in December 13, 2021 may start rolling out services early next year. They have ten-year period to cover the states of the federation with 5G services.

There are several handsets in the market now ranging from Motorola Edge 2021, the Samsung AS2 5G, iPhone13, etc. The iPhone for instance goes for about $790. It’s believed that cost of 5G phones would go down with time.


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