The global mobile systems body, the GSMA, has the Nigerian Communications Commission ( NCC) and other countries’ regulatory agencies prioritise having 2GHz of mid-band available for mobile industry use by 2030.

GSMA head of spectrum Luciana Camargos who made the request argued, noting none are currently close to having the requisite amount to release the full economic potential of 5G.

Camargos told Mobile World Live a GSMA report released during MWC Barcelona 2022 highlighted the GDP growth enabled by governments providing the mobile industry with this minimum requirement.

Access to the spectrum would provide countries a financial boost across a range of 5G-powered segments including manufacturing, health and education, and smart cities, GSMA asserted.

Camargos explained access had “a very important contribution to all regions”.

“If you look at some of the developing countries, it’s really relevant” she added, pointing to a whole host of applications including in the mining and farming industries.

Despite the importance of access to mid-band for the mobile sector, Camargos said no country was anywhere near having the 2GHz available, conceding regulators and governments faced some tough decisions on releasing it.

“Everybody wants it and there are other services currently using it,” she added, highlighting satellite services, radar, fixed links and government services already occupying the band in various countries.

“Governments need to look at demand, look at what they need for the country and make those decisions. They are hard decisions, but they need to be made.”

The expert noted progress towards the goal in some countries, citing Japan, the US and parts of Europe.

Retaining current global levels of the spectrum available to operators could cut the overall economic forecast of 5G-based services by 40 per cent, GSMA estimates.

The GSMA is currently engaging with vendors, industry and governments on the issue, with regional ITU meetings imminent in Europe, North and Latin America, and the Caribbean to discuss the issue ahead of the 2023 World Radio Communication Conference.


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