Twitter reportedly moved to ease an ongoing row with its prospective new owner Elon Musk by offering to hand over data about tweets sent on the platform and user information, in a move that could save the billionaire’s proposed $44 billion takeover bid.

The Washington Post reported, citing an unnamed source, that the social media company has offered Musk and his team access to the platform’s so-called “firehouse”, which includes data on users’ devices and information of associated accounts, as well as the hundreds of millions of tweets sent on the platform each day.

Twitter’s offer comes after Musk earlier this week threatened to pull out of the deal to acquire the company unless it provided him with information about how it calculated the number of fake accounts on its platform.

In a filing related to its first-quarter earnings, Twitter estimated in May that false or spam accounts represented 5 percent or less, which led to Musk putting his $44 billion takeovers on hold.

However, it is unclear if Twitter’s latest offer will be enough to appease Musk, considering the information is already available at a price, with around 24 companies already paying for it for research and marketing purposes.

The Post noted that when Musk launched his takeover bid, he waived a right to look at Twitter’s finances and internal workings.

He is also reportedly required to proceed with the takeover bid unless he can prove Twitter has misled him or provided false information, which impacts its value negativelycourtesy mobile worldlive


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