Tim Akano, managing director of New Horizon Nigeria, an ICT capacity builder, said this week that the future of emerging technology and digital platforms would so dramatically and scaringly impact the way of life and how we perform tasks and relate.
He spoke about changes in the way we work, the way we communicate, the value of human life, and who or what would control life and human operations.
Akano spoke at Digivation Africa Summit, focusing on the Future, organised by Bayero Agabi, in Lagos on Wednesday.
In his presentation titled Staying Futurewise, Akano said that in a few years from now human being shall lose their authenticity, as authenticity would become a myth, and humans’ core identity will become a complete illusion, created by neutral networks. ”
“Everything you will ever experience in life is within your own body, your own mind, and in your hand and in your home, and you will not need to travel to Dubai or Jerusalem or Mecca to experience those cities”.

Akano says human beings would be “trapped permanently in a tech box, there would be no way of escape, and there would be loss authority to Artificial Intelligence ( AI). AI is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
He says, “your moods, decisions, and actions will be manipulated by AI, and free will and authentic self will die.
According to Akano self – replicating Robots are coming dangerously and robots will take over the control of the mind and “man could no longer kill Robot because Robot +Mind = 1 and the same. What Tech. has joined together”.
Akano said there will be a complete restructuring of the Global Financial System leading to the collapse of national economics and an end to the American century before the year 2040 and mobile payments, and blockchain would be the “DOLLAR-KILLERS”.
He says, there would be massive migration from unserious countries to smart nations for both economic and demographic reasons and the world will be categorized into four instead of the current two (develop &developing). There would be gradual De-Globalisation and the rise of Nationalism and the creation of different TRADING BLOCKS, Free Trade Areas, and currency alignments.
While one percent own of global elites own % of the global elites own 50 percent of the total World’s wealth, by 2050 the one percent will own 65 percent.
Akano insists that the only escape route from the nature of the future is when you accept to escape the current NARROW definition of SELF when tomorrow comes because the singularity is coming, the fusion of minds and machines and AUGMENTED REALITY: will change the way we work, worship and live and socialize.. Augmented reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view.
He says many civilized societies would be feminized and many women would assume positions of authority and leadership and mature civilizations’ population will decline while the rate of growth in developing nations will hit the rooftop
Akano says that because of Robots, LGBT, phonographs, etc, marriage will gradually become OBSOLETE like NOKIA 33 phone and single parenting will become the norm, about 30% of American families with children under 18 years old amounting to 10 million households are single-parent families.

He observed that in Europe single parents now constitute about 19% of the households with children, while Sub-Sahara Africa has the highest percentage of single mothers worldwide at 32% and in Scandinavian countries, about 60% of births were to unmarried women