• US House has voted to enact legislation that would ban TikTok, a major challenge to one of the world’s most popular social media apps used by 170 million Americans, unless it part ways with its Chinese parent company, ByteDance.
  • The vote took place this afternoon at the US Congress on Capitol Hills, Washington DC, United States.
  • Even if the bill passes the House, it’s unclear if the Senate will consider the legislation. President Joe Biden has said he would sign it if it’s passed.
  • If enacted, the bill would give TikTok roughly five months to separate from ByteDance, or app stores in the United States would be banned from hosting it on their platforms.
  • TikTok says the legislation is an attack on the First Amendment rights of its users and urged them to call their representatives in Washington to oppose the bill. China’s foreign ministry has responded angrily to the vote, calling it an “act of bullying.”


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